What is Pokémon Master Trainer RPG? 
The original Pokémon Master Trainer game was released during the late 90's among with the Pokémon TV show hype.
The game was the first proper Pokémon board game released so far and brought us a huge map full of "catch'em all", "cities" and "event card" spaces. Along with that, you could also find over a hundred Pokémon chips, item and event cards, rival cards (regarding the "League" members) and a board representing the "Kanto" region, which by its time, was filled with routes to host an amazing adventure.
Due its fun and easy play, the game became extremely popular and even got a second edition (USA) slightly more elaborated than the first one. However, even including the whole second gen, it didn't turn out quite as popular as the first one.
Nowadays, finding a good shape exemplary of the original game can be really challenging and pricy. Although, on the other hand, it is possible to find an online version of it to be played virtually with your friends in real time even while being far away from each other.

So, as an old time board game player and Pokémon fan, I grew up playing this game. Okay, I still played it until over my twenties (or late twenties more precisely), and as we all know the game has became quite childish to be played as a grown up.
Facing this reallity, my only option was to come up with differents rules each time I played, to make it more challenging and fun, but always trying to keep all the nostalgia load. In the end, this road led me no other choice other than creating a whole new game based on this huge classic.
The "Pokémon Master Trainer Remastered", or simply "Pokémon Master Trainer RPG" as I would rather call it, gathers all the style, visual identity and, mostly, the nostalgia from the original game. However, this time I have also added "a bit" of "D&D RPG" on it, which was an awesome addition that allowed this game to promote an unique experience for those who seek the same nostalgia of the orignal game combined to a more challenging and more adult Pokémon board game.
Down bellow you can check some out of date pics of the physical version I have assembled back in 2019:

How does it work?
Since I have been developing it for a while now (over four years), I have turned it into a game series where I have fully included all the nine (9) current generations (early 2023). What resulted in a total content of four (4) MODs to be played, including the "All In One - Traditional Maps", the "All In One - Minimaps" (quicker and simpler), and the SPINNOFFS of "Pokémon GO" ('Monopoly' like casual game), and "Pokémon Unite" (tower defense style).
The "All In One" content is already publicly available to be downloaded and printed out (for free by anyone who desires), but also to be played online as well (just like the original one reffered in the begining).
You can understand better about it checking my channel, the printable files and online playable content.
Here is a screenshot from one of the "All In One - Traditional Maps" game MOD:

How do I play it?
To be able to play it online with your friends right now, you just need to download the "TableTop Simulator" from "Steam" and then go to my WORKSHOP .
Now, in order to be able to play it physically, first you have to request access to the game's printable content HERE. Although, in order to be able to access it, you got to be a subscriber (to the game's official channel) and to leave a comment (at any video) letting me know you requested it and informing me your email address (first half is enough).
With all the previous steps completed, just download and print out all the files you want. You could also use your local printing shop/FabLab (to cut [laser])/print[3d]) to achieve a better quality result as well.
Here is how the DRIVE files look like:

How do I learn how to play it? 
If you would rather read it, so all the rules are explained here in this GAMEPEDIA, all you have to do is go straight to "rules" at the black top bar above.
Now, If you would rather watch it, just simply play the "Explaining the Rules" playlist from the game's official YouTube channel.